How To Hop

Published 10 years ago - 715 plays
Hey FRD community here is a guide on how to hop on a bmx! it may not be a big hop but it works!
To hop gain a little bit of speed then lean back till your bike is at about 45 degrees, then quickly double tap z and hold right, if done correctly you will hop in the air!
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- Accelerate
- Back Brake
- Lean Left
- Lean Right
- Change Direction
- Change Vehicle
Front Brake Advanced+
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10 years ago
Bawlgamer Yeah, didn't think of it like that.
10 years ago
nocturnalvirus well on ramps double tapping z gives you more height, but on flat it still gives you a tiny bit more height
10 years ago
Bawlgamer It works! But double tapping z does nothing