Teleport Sound
My loss :´(
Published 9 years ago - 17.0k plays
My father passed away when I was 2. I don´t remember him. I heard he was a good man. I never really had a father in my life. Its just me and my mom. I wish I could meet him 1 time so I could say a few words. If i had 1 wish thats what it would be. I love you dad. RIP.
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1 year ago
That sucks.
2 years ago
bsarber01 he's not alive no longer. you can't see him unless you have the power of and anime on your side. lol
2 years ago
I'm sorry for you're loss. But tbh why talk about on a video game I'm truly not trying to be mean.
2 years ago
aww so holesome i feel bad for you that happend to for me but my mom