Good Bye the_rider ReadDesc

Published 9 years ago - 744 plays
This is a dedication to the_rider, a good track maker and FRHD player that is leaving. I made a track for him that shows the ups and downs of life and shows that eventually you will have good luck and reach the end. Thank you the_rider for being on this.
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- Lean Right
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Front Brake Advanced+
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9 years ago
the_rider always gets #1 :)
9 years ago
Support Emma by wearing her new hat in the shop! copy/paste this text to increase awareness, and have more people support emma!
9 years ago
Wow, I glad I have 3 thumbs up in less than 30 min. that's unheard of for me. I'm not an experienced publisher!!!!
9 years ago
IkaruKaru Helloman and TeamPhantom mainly.. although theres a byunch