Bike Air Sound
Dont let them lure you
Published 9 years ago - 2.0k plays
there has been this big thing where clowns go up to kids and give them money or candy to go into the woods, it was all over the news, it happen where i lived too. it started in south Carolina and now its in north Carolina. dont fall for any tricks, its dangerous.
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8 years ago
Smiley_Guy was it at ashley or hoggard or laney?
8 years ago
I am extremely freaked out by clowns so I would run if I saw one
9 years ago
I live in N.C to and the clowns were suposed to "PURGE" today but it was just some high school kid who wanted a laugh so he sent a bunch of fake threats on Instagram
9 years ago
t.k.133 i'm saving it for the pros, sorry