RIP my family (not a lie) ;(
Published 8 years ago - 574 plays
Hi everyone.
Earlier today I received some devastating news. My whole family died in a car crash. I know this may seem like a joke but it isnt. Ive made this track in tribute of them & I may need to take a break from FRHD. Thanks so much for your support from likes and subs, it would really help
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8 years ago
Solomonster I completely agree, the fact that people are joking about their parents dying is just not cool... I totally get it if you don't believe me when I say it especially due to the amount of tracks like this in the past weeks. I made a track for them because frhd is one of the only good things in my life right now. Thanks for your comment.
8 years ago
SaltyDude i want to believe you but how come everyone's family is dying in the past two weeks im sorry if it is true but if it isnt you are just a bad person if you say your family died in my opinion if you are lying you are the lowest of the low of people also why werent you in the car and why are you making a track about it on frhd
8 years ago
If I didn't have FRHD I'm not sure how I'd deal with this...
8 years ago
FRHD is the only good thing in my life right now ;(