F#ck you lord_of_lag
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8 years ago
Michaelbearfella And you are a immature troll and a mommy's boy
Michaelbearfella here, play this: https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/371628-hard-track
Michaelbearfella oh how insulting dumb@ss
You are an idiot. you make the world's shortest track and act like you roasted someone. Now that's stupid, but on top of that, you comment on your own track like a blind two-year old. wow.
8 years ago
Michaelbearfella And you are a immature troll and a mommy's boy
8 years ago
Michaelbearfella here, play this: https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/371628-hard-track
8 years ago
Michaelbearfella oh how insulting dumb@ss
8 years ago
You are an idiot. you make the world's shortest track and act like you roasted someone. Now that's stupid, but on top of that, you comment on your own track like a blind two-year old. wow.