Little farm

Published 8 years ago - 642 plays
I drew a little farm cuz I was bored if you enjoy make sure to smash the like button and make sure you sub PEACEE OOUUTT!!!!!!!!!
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8 years ago
Aldorito lmao this isnt hate and that mindset is very flawed; claiming that its okay to copy is like trying to defend art theft. i would really enjoy seeing you deal with actual 'hate'
8 years ago
Aldorito now you have a copied track tainting your profile. i hope you're proud of yourself. mudkip look below
8 years ago
I want to see how people react to the smallest of things because you dont need to show hate it just makes the situation worse people can copy if they want its there decision why hate
8 years ago
why claim youve drawn it if people have already copied the same track