This might be good bye.

Published 6 years ago - 738 plays
Something big is happening at my school. I wanted to say good bye if the threat become reality. I love all my freinds and my subscribers who have stayed with me. Good luck, and maybe good bye.
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6 years ago
Uniquake kate1 Wow! Now I'm not getting political or anything, but this shows everyone in Washington that something needs to be done to protect students from these types of attacks. This can't just keep happening.
6 years ago
kate1 Just hope you’ll be okay, don’t have doubt
6 years ago
Uniquake nah, but with only half the school NOT at school and many people panicking everyone thought they were going to die because this was the ONLY threat my school has added this much protection for
6 years ago
kate1 Same thing happened at my school the more you think about it the more it’s likely to happen stop having negative thoughts Kate, I’m just looking out for you