Life (Read Description)

Published 6 years ago - 579 plays
I am not new or old, just simply a boy who is going through a rough life in his teenage year, just waiting for death and yeah. Heart broken and forever alone, got barely any friends and trying to find new ones to last for a long time. But i need to be fix first before this can happen. :(
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6 years ago
Coated_Badger and i have no where to run, always feel like people are watching me. I have backstabbers and peoplee who talk behind my back, my feelings are getting worst everyday, its just bcoming so different now, i have marks in my arm, from what takes it all away, all im asking for help before it takes over.
6 years ago
Coated_Badger i want to make myself feel better, but its just getting to the point where i dont want to be here no more. its just time to let go i guess, its not where in the states (USA) that everyone is there for u, i lost all my friends, and now i live in asia, which is better because of education, but thats not the point no one is ever going to help me.
6 years ago
CookieBaker101 what are you doing on free rider if you want friends lmao. go to helpline or someone who actually cares.
6 years ago
just be happy lmao