subs shoutout (Prev.)
Published 5 years ago - 680 plays
This is a shoutout to all my subbers, if you are one please mention it in the comments and I will add you. I'm sorry if I skipped you, but my memory sucks and I cannot find anymore specific subbers in my comments. hope that you enjoy the track, and check out everyone mentioned in the track.
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5 years ago
Alright, starting work on the new track. hope to have it out soon.
5 years ago
Seriously?!! 16 subs??!! WHY??????!!!!!! Please, I just want to finish the stinking shoutout track without having to make it three times as long.
5 years ago
ShamatoZ of course, now that I put out a shoutout to all my subbers, I jave to add even more to the list. JK, Thank you!!!
5 years ago
zachypacso alright man