Bike Sound
Desktop Controls
- Accelerate
- Back Brake
- Lean Left
- Lean Right
- Change Direction
- Change Vehicle
Front Brake Advanced+
- Last Checkpoint
- Remove Checkpoint
- Restart Track
- Pause
- Zoom In/Out or
Toggle Player View Race mode only
Press to race best times
No friend best times, challenge some! |
5 years ago
tetrationiscool I usually just place random lines until it works, haven't taken the time to completely figure out which placement makes it spin a certain way
5 years ago
Askyris with practice, you can probably lower that time. For me, good spins usually take 10 to 20 minutes.
5 years ago
tetrationiscool I think this track took me a little over an hour hah
5 years ago
Askyris yeah, that spin is really good. They take a really long time to make even for me. Perhaps there's a way to get faster, but for now, patience is needed.