Bike Sound
Challenge #1

Published 5 years ago - 449 plays
Starting a new series, just a bunch of small challenges
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5 years ago
Mitsera count 6 units up, make the circle, then from the side count six and make a curve that to the start of 6 you counted earlier, and do on all of the sides
5 years ago
then on the outside do the same thing but make sure the tube is always six away from inside circle, sorry if it is confusing.
5 years ago
Mitsera so basically I start on the inside, make sure it is in grid size 10 count six up from the bottom line and then make a diagonal in curve and then make it so that you curve it so that is looks even on both side and go to where they would meet up if it were a triangle with two straight lines and end the curve there.
5 years ago
Mitsera create it or complete it?