My first track
Published 5 years ago - 294 plays
hey gamers this is my first track. It's not finished because I started to lose my mind. So yeah, this is me. I have a history in art and came across this website. Anyways I will prob continue off of this I just wanted to get this out.
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5 years ago
Scooterkid5 there is a website that lets you copy it, in a certain part of the url up at the top, you can put in those numbers [track ID], and it will give you back the code for that track, for example, this track ID is 717988, I won't link the website though, because I am not going to promote copying.
5 years ago
I don't even know how to copy stuff. I even know that he didn't draw that
5 years ago
a_drain i know
5 years ago
JumpStart33_CRC No, I'm currently working on my own collab