p6 ooops
Published 4 years ago - 201 plays
i accidentally made it mtb whenit should be bmx comment any ideas an additions i should add
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4 years ago
i know about both of these
4 years ago
both of these happen way too often.
4 years ago
samothebrave Also, a few of the teleporters are too close to the walls and one wheel will be stuck behind the wall after going thrrough the portal <with no fault to the player> and forces you to go back to the checkpoint.
4 years ago
samothebrave I don't think you know which "glitch" I am reffering to lol. It is not how inconsistent the ramps are. I kind of like that. I am talking about the reused ramp will very often catch the wheel and kill you. That can be avoided and should be. It happens randomly and with no fault to the player.