Teleport Sound
1 Sub? (auto (see desc))
Published 4 years ago - 266 plays
I have some things to say: I don't have any subs and I don't know whether that means people hate my tracks or if they just see and like them, but don't do anything. So PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE comment and leave recommendations on how I can improve my tracks. BTW, 2 subs for another working auto. THX!
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4 years ago
Aquatics Uncle_Rico a_drain Thank you all so much for the feedback! I appreciate it. and Uncle_Rico I will :) Feel free to check out my other tracks. I have some cool ones
4 years ago
4 years ago
Yes, fun track. feel free to tag me in the comments of your next track, and if it is cool too I'll sub :)
4 years ago
Pretty cool.