Teleport Sound
Joe Biden Is An Idiot
Published 4 years ago - 899 plays
I Mean C'mon Y'all, Tell Me I'm Wrong. (If You Do... You Are Wrong)
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3 years ago
Yess sir biden is a Shltty piece of Funk who's dad left him for milk. He is insanely ret@rded and if you think he is smart then go funk yourself
4 years ago
biden is smart and won fair and square trump is a big baby about it
4 years ago
Rabbot_alt Nice job trying to be insulting but in reality insulting people does nothing. I don't know what you do with your life but it definitely is messed up judging on how you... oh... I don't know ACT ON IMPULSE? You don't think before you act! That's why everyone calls you a stupid child on every website you go to! Go do some research and do yourself a favor by deleting your FRHD account. OK?
4 years ago
Empyryn_933 I was never disagreeing with you. I was telling about the “AmAzInG” things he’s done