Teleport Sound
For Uncle_Rico (IMPORTANT)

Published 4 years ago - 272 plays
This is a message for UR about the collab we are working on, I want you to know that my parents recently purged my computer of all "time-wasting" sites, and apparently, that was one of them, so I am not ghosting you, and I do have an updated version of the track, I just couldn't share it.(COMMENTS)
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- Accelerate
- Back Brake
- Lean Left
- Lean Right
- Change Direction
- Change Vehicle
Front Brake Advanced+
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- Remove Checkpoint
- Restart Track
- Pause
- Zoom In/Out or
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4 years ago
fishonastick Yeah
4 years ago
Uncle_Rico Glad we could get this figured out :D
4 years ago
Uncle_Rico Sounds good, but if you don't want your email out there at all, you can just post it in the conversation, since i can see your messages there, I just can't reply
4 years ago
fishonastick Hey no problem, I'd be happy to continue through email. I'm just going to tag you on a random track with my email address, and we can work from there. Thank you for reaching out to me to tell me about this!