Teleport Sound
impossible!!! I promise (desc)
Published 4 years ago - 160 plays
this track took me 5 minutes to complete when i was trying to publish so if you do it in under two... i will have a reward... This track is for pros have fun guys and stay safe!
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4 years ago
Razer33 im sory
4 years ago
calebSavage17 Yes, he could've been a little more polite but it's no reason to insult him.
4 years ago
a_drain Razer33 he didnt have to come into my track and be rude i would have understood if he was nice but...
4 years ago
calebSavage17 what is your deal, why did you call Razer33 horrid? He's right, a lot of people have a lot of work to do, so just don't be mentioning everyone on every track.