Helicopter Sounds
Totoca Bridge [Update]
Published 4 years ago - 493 plays
mbcool suggested that I use the time left to make some changes. Well, here it is. Zoom out to get a marvellous view of the Totoca Bridge, a token of appreciation to Totoca12. This is inspired by the Golden Gate Bridge and the Chrysler Building. Also the entry to DIAM0NDGAMER's Bridge contest.
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4 years ago
ok this track is NOT the entry the first one is the entry y'all
4 years ago
mbcool lmao I wasn't expecting almost everyone to be finished within 2 days
4 years ago
JustAGDFan why do you always talk with such ambitious goals even though you don't have the skills to back it up? It's getting irritating.
4 years ago
JustAGDFan From yourself, or from everybody?