Bike Air Sound
Short Jump Line 1
Published 3 years ago - 213 plays
Sorry if this track doesn't flow to well, it's my first ever jump line! This was also the first track I ever put any detail into, so please give me some tips in the comments. Please like this track if you enjoyed it. I'll try to make a series of these short jump lines.
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3 years ago
DoggoGamer3 I suggest writing all of those tips down on a google doc or in notes on ur phone if you hope to be a good track maker, with many subs and likes ;)
3 years ago
Free_Rider_Official Thanks
3 years ago
Follow that advice (yeah ik, it's a LOT! but very good advice) and you'll be an amazing track maker. Did you know that I only created and started following that advice a week ago, that's why I haven't posted the FRHD MTB Park yet, and won't be until ages away
3 years ago
... . This gives you more time to make the track and detail it. Make tracks easy for everyone to complete (you do this, good job). Perfect the actual ride of the track, then add necessary detail. Play the track at least 30 times (I know... it's a lot) and then publish. If you enjoy playing the track 30 times, then that's a good track, and it's consistent. It also helps you find mistakes/errors and fix them. Good luck bro! You'll get many subs eventually ;)