Published 3 years ago - 305 plays
The #TeamSeas project is the 2nd world-saving project started by YouTube sensation, MrBeast, after his first project, #TeamTrees, went viral. The #TeamSeas project is hoping to raise $30,000,000 to get trash out of our world's oceans and seas. Just like with the #TeamTrees project, (SEE COMMENTS)
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3 years ago
(CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS) Please help people like MrBeast, Mark Rober, and other creators and viewers around the world by donating at today. (NOTE: Please don't copy the link, otherwise it won't work. Remember, $1 donated = 1Lb removed
3 years ago
(CONTINUED FROM DESC) every $1 raised will be 1 pound of garbage removed from the ocean. Lots of other people have already donated, bringing the estimated total trash removed to 13,750,000, as of Monday, November 8, 2021. The goal is to raise $30,000,000 by January 1, 2022. (CONTINUED IN NEXT COMMENT)