great drawn, it has a nice rustic look and also gives the impression of being an old and abandoned house, I really liked the fact that the drawn is not very detailed but it gives an impression of being quite detailed, the only problem I see here is the symmetry of the house, for example, the stairs and the balcony are not in line with the front wall, and the other window, the most detailed,. it's not flush with the wall either, if you could maybe fix that, but whatever, that's your choice.
2 years ago
Literally says "track by chalk"
2 years ago
but you cant drive like this in real
3 years ago
great drawn, it has a nice rustic look and also gives the impression of being an old and abandoned house, I really liked the fact that the drawn is not very detailed but it gives an impression of being quite detailed, the only problem I see here is the symmetry of the house, for example, the stairs and the balcony are not in line with the front wall, and the other window, the most detailed,. it's not flush with the wall either, if you could maybe fix that, but whatever, that's your choice.
3 years ago
this looks just like my house IRL, joking