Graceful Brake
Published 2 years ago - 129 plays
I wanted to make a track that you couldn't just speed through. Precision, braking, and skill are the main focus in this track
Try to get the fastest time! Can you sequence break from my intended path?
When designing, I used only the 100pt grid to make the interactable surfaces.
Desktop Controls
- Accelerate
- Back Brake
- Lean Left
- Lean Right
- Change Direction
- Change Vehicle
Front Brake Advanced+
- Last Checkpoint
- Remove Checkpoint
- Restart Track
- Pause
- Zoom In/Out or
Toggle Player View Race mode only
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3 months ago
Please make additional tracks, we need more intentional design in this game! Liked and subbed. While it seems unlikely that you see this message, I hope I won't be disappointed ;)
2 years ago
3. The final jump / star can likely be completed in a single cycle, without the need to land, roll backwards, then gain enough momentum to grab the star. I have no idea how, but I definitely think some top-tier players could one-cycle this.
2 years ago
2. After the first slope, there's definitely a lot of room for tech and jank. The original design intended you to stop here but I can see people simply zooming straight through this check. You might even be able to bound off the ceiling / wall before the checkpoint. In my current ghost I try to wall ride into the checkpoint for maximum speed.
2 years ago
Just a note for speedrunners, Here are some optimizations that I think could be made: 1. At the beginning, I see some potential for Wheelie / Stoppie optimizations to get you great momentum at the beginning. When you bonk into the first star, you back wheel goes up which can be used to put you in a wheelie position once you press Z. Similarly, when you're falling off the first drop going toward the second star, you can tilt your front wheel downward then Z while falling to land in a wheelie.